Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

general chair, scientific chair
  • Rémi Ronfard was chair for the 3rd AAAI workshop on Cinematography and Film Editing (WICED'2014),which took place on July 30, 2014 in Quebec City, Canada. He was also co-chair for the 4th Eurographics workshop on Cinematography and Film Editing (WICED'2015), which will take place on May 4, 2015, in Zurich, Switzerland.

  • Stefanie Hahmann was co-organizer of the 9th international colloque Dagstuhl Seminar on Geometric Modeling et the Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik en Allemgane. 45 invited researchers participated to scientific talks, discussions and perspective working groups.

member of the organizing committee
  • Marie-Paule Cani was a steering committee member of SMI (Shape Modelling International) and Exppressive (SBIM, NPAR, CAe) Chair of the Steering committee of Eurographics.

  • Rémi Ronfard was member of the following events

    • International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICDS 2014).

    • Computational Modeling of Narrative (CMN 2014).

    • Interactive Narrative Technologies (INT 2014).

    • SIGGRAPH workshop on Motion in Games (MIG 2014).

    • International Conference on 3D imaging (IC3D 2014).

    • International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2014).

Scientific events selection

member of the conference program committee
  • Marie-Paule Cani was member of the conference program committee for Graphics Interface 2014 and Expressive 2014 (joint ACM-EG symposium on SBIM, NPAR, CAe).

  • Stefanie Hahmann was member of the international program committee for Eurographics 2014, SMI’14 Shape Modeling International, Computer Graphics International (CGI’14), and SPM 2014 Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling.

  • Damien Rohmer was member of the Technical Briefs & Poster for ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014.

  • Marie-Paule Cani was reviewer for SIGGRAPH 2014.

  • Stefanie Hahmann was reviewer for Eurographics 2014, SMI’14, CGI’14 and SPM’14.

  • Jean-Claude Léon was reviewer for CAD 2014 Intl conference.

  • Damien Rohmer was reviewer for SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 and Eurographics 2014.


member of the editorial board
  • Marie-Paule Cani was member of the editorial borad of ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).

  • Stefanie Hahmann was reviewer for Computer Aided Design (Elsevier) and Graphical Models (Elsevier).

  • Jean-Claude Léon was member of the editorial board of Computer Aided Design.

  • Jean-Claude Léon was reviewer for Computer Aided Design.

  • Olivier Palombi was reviewer for Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy.

  • Rémi Ronfard was reviewer for The Visual Computer, and Computer Vision and Image Understanding.

  • Damien Rohmer was reviewer for the popularization journal Quadrature.


Marie-Paule Cani was

  • Vice chair of the European scientific organization Eurographics

  • Elected member of EG-France executive committee (french chapter of Euurographics)

  • Member of the ACM publication board until June 2014.

  • Member of the scientific council of ESIEE Paris.

Stefanie Hahmann was

  • Member of the SMA Executive Committee (Shape Modeling Association).

  • President of GTMG (Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique) part of GDR IM and GDR IGRV.

  • Member of the Conseil du Laboratoire at LJK.

  • Responsible of Maths-Info department of the Grenoble doctoral school MSTII.

Rémi Ronfard

  • gave invited talks on "Directing virtual worlds" at Utrecht University; at Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale in Marseille; at LIRIS in Lyon; at IRCAM in Paris.

  • is a co-organizer of the GDR ISIS action on "Face, gesture, action and behavior", which held its national meeting on December 11, at Telecom Paris Tech.

  • is a member of the new GDR Esars : Esthétique, Art et Science.